Ep12: Those jeans look good! | Hit niá gû-á-khòo tsin hó-khuànn 彼領牛仔褲真好看!

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Bite-size Taiwanese | Newbie
Ep12: Those jeans look good! | Hit niá gû-á-khòo tsin hó-khuànn 彼領牛仔褲真好看!

In this episode, we’ve talked about clothes shopping and learned some useful adjectives and intensifiers.

(These show notes use tables and rich formatting. Please visit the episode webpage for an optimal viewing experience.)

Hit niá gû-á-khòo tsin hó-khuànn! That pair of jeans looks nice!
hit that
tsit this
niá (measure word for clothing)
gû-á-khòo jeans
khòo pants or trousers
sann garments worn above the waist or clothes in general
siat-tsuh shirt
T-sioh / T-siat-tsuh T-shirt
tsin (+adj) really, very
tsiânn (+adj) really, very
tsiok (+adj) truly, very, highly

Usage note:tsiok” usually sounds higher in degree than “tsin” & “tsiânn

hó-khuànn good-looking, pretty, to look good
bô hó-khuànn not good-looking, to not look good
pháinn-khuànn bad-looking, ugly, to look bad
pháinn-tshuē hard to find
Tsit niá gû-á-khòo bô ha̍h-su. This pair of jeans doesn’t fit.
ha̍h-su (clothes) well-fitting
Tsit niá khòo siunn sè niá. This pair of pants is too small.
siunn (+adj) too, excessively
Lín kám ū khah tuā niá--ê? Do you have a bigger one?
lín you (plural)
kám...? (a question word)
ū to have; to exist
khah (+adj) more + adj. (comparative)
tuā big
--ê a … one; something that is...
Lín kám ū phòng-se-sann? Do you have sweaters?
phòng-se-sann sweater
Tsit niá sann tsiok līng. This shirt is very loose/baggy.
līng loose, slack, baggy
ân tight, tense
tn̂g long
tsē many, much
tsió few, little

*Syllables that have been greyed out require tone changes.


In this episode, we’ve also learned a sentence pattern: “Subject + Intensifier + Adj.”

Subject Intensifier Adjective
Hit niá gû-á-khòo

(that pair of jeans)





Tsit niá

(this one)




(loose, baggy, slack)

Tsit niá khòo

(this pair of pants)




(small + measure word)

In Taiwanese it wouldn’t be a complete sentence if you only have the adjective. One common way is to add an “intensifier” as a placeholder.

This is a little bit like in English when you want to qualify something or make a comment about the subject with an adjective (or the so-called “predicative” adjective), you often have to fill in a verb like “to be”.

However, if you have a negative word such as “” (no, to not have), it can take the place of the intensifier so it’s not necessary to add an intensifier.

For example:

Subject Negative Adjective
Hit niá gû-á-khòo

(that pair of jeans)




Big or small, many or few + measure word

Also notice that, in the third example above, we add a measure word after the adjective: “ niá”. When we say something is “tuā” (big) or “” (small), “tsē” (many) or “tsió” (few), it’s usually more natural to follow it with the appropriate measure word to form an adjective. But, this mainly applies to these four adjectives only.

For more intensifiers and adjectives, go check out our downloadable workbook! It also gives you additional vocabulary with characters, pronunciation notes, grammar explanations, culture tips, and fun exercises to help your practice.

Music Credit: TeknoAXE

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