Throwback Thursdays: Marching Forward | Hiàng-tsiân Kiânn 向前行 (1990)

Every Thursday we’ll revisit a Taiwanese language classic from anytime between the 1930s - 2015ish...  #TBT

Hué-tshia tsiām-tsiām leh khí-kiânn
My train is about to depart
Tsài-huē guá ê kòo-hiong kap tshin-tsiânn
I said goodbyes to my hometown and my family
Tshin-ài ê pe-bú tsài-huē—pa
Dear Mom, Dad, I’ll see you soon
Tàu-tīn ê pîng-iú kò-sî--lah
Goodbye, my close friends
Guá beh lâi-khì Tâi-pak phah-piànn
But now I’m heading up to Taipei City to fight for my dreams
Thiann lâng kóng siánn-mi̍h hó-khang--ê lóng tī hia
They said all the best of the best is there waiting for me
Pîng-iú tshiò guá sī ài tsuè bîn-bāng ê gōng-kiánn
Even though my friends say I must be a daydreaming fool
M̄-kuán lû-hô, lōo sī ka-tī kiânn
毋管如何 路是家己行
No matter what, I know I have to pave my own way
Oh! Tsài-huē pa!
OH! 再會吧!
Oh, see you soon!
Oh! Siánn-mi̍h lóng m̄ kiann
OH! 啥物攏毋驚
Oh, there’s no fear on my mind!
Oh! Tsài-huē pa!
OH! 再會吧!
Oh, see you soon!
Oh! Hiòng-tsiân kiânn
OH! 向前行
Oh, I’m marching forward!
Tshia-tsām tsi̍t-tsām tsi̍t-tsām kuè--khì lah
I’m passing by one station after another
Hong-kíng tsi̍t-bōo tsi̍t-bōo tshin-tshiūnn tiān-iánn
The scenery outside flickers by like scenes in a film
Kā ka-tī tòng-tsuè sī lâm-tsú-kak lâi puann
I could take on the leading male role
Hûn-iû sù-hái khó-pí sī "Xiǎo fēi xiá"*
雲遊四海可比是 【小飛俠】
Cruising through the clouds just like Peter Pan
M̄-kuán sī iù-tì ia̍h-sī lo̍k-kuan
I may be naive but at least I’m embracing possibilities
Hiō-kó nā an-tsuánn, ka-tī tio̍h lâi tann
後果若按怎 自己就來擔
Whatever happens, I’ll take responsibility
Guân-liōng put-hàu ê kiánn-lî—pa
Forgive me Mom and Dad, for leaving like this
Thàn guá iáu siàu-liân kuánn-kín lâi phah-piànn
But I have to make it while I’m still young and fighting
Oh! Tsài-huē pa!
OH! 再會吧!
Oh, see you soon!
Oh! Siánn-mi̍h lóng m̄ kiann
OH! 啥物攏毋驚
Oh, there’s no fear on my mind
Oh! Tsài-huē pa!
OH! 再會吧!
Oh, see you soon!
Oh! Hiòng-tsiân kiânn
OH! 向前行
Oh, I’m marching forward!
Tâi-pak Tâi-pak Tâi-pak-tshia-thâu kàu--ah--lah
Taipei, Taipei, here is Taipei Main Station!
Beh lo̍h-tshia ê lú-kheh tshiánn kuán-kín lo̍h-tshia
Passengers wanting to get off, please get off quickly
Thâu-tsîng sī hiān-tāi ê Tâi-pak tshia-thâu
In front of us is the modern Taipei train terminal
Guá ê lí-sióng kap hi-bāng lóng tī tsia
All my hopes and dreams are here
Tsi̍t-tòng tsi̍t-tòng ê "gāo lóu dàshà"*
一棟一棟的 【高樓大廈】
Building after building of skyscrapers
M̄-tsai ū tuà guā-tsē tshiūnn guá tsit-tsióng ê gōng-kiánn
I wonder how many young fools like me are out here
Khah-tsá thiann lâng tshiùnn "Táiběi bùshì wǒ de jiā"*
較早聽人唱 『台北不是我的家』
I used to hear people sing “Taipei is not a place I call home”
Tān-sī guá tsi̍t-tiám-á lóng bô kám-kak
But, I don’t have this feeling one bit

*Mandarin lyrics use Hanyu Pinyin Romanization

The Backstory

Released in the year 1990, “Marching Forward | Hiòng-tsiân Kiânn 向前走”, sung by the young and rebellious Lim Giong | Lîm Kiông 林強, ushered in a new wave of Taiwanese- Pop, known as the New Taiwanese Song Movement | Sin Tâi-uân-kua 新臺語歌. Martial law had only been lifted a few years earlier in 1987, and the new freedom allowed the younger generation to consider new ideas, prospects, and directions for their future. With some lyrics referencing pop music predecessor Lo Ta-yu | Lô Ta-Iū 羅大佑, an icon of the Taiwan Campus Folk Song Movement | Hāu-hn̂g Bîn-kua 校園民歌 of the late 70s and early 80s, “Marching Forward” also called for the youth to be different from previous generations, and ultimately became the anthem for a whole generation of young Taiwanese pursuing their dreams.

Within the music industry, Lim was considered a rebel. This trait remained with him throughout his music career as he reshaped Taiwanese-Pop by bringing in influences from rock and electronica. While Taiwanese-pop at the time was sad, sentimental, and slow in rhythm, Lim weaved in new sounds such as heavy punches, synths, and drumbeats. Today Lim continues to be influential in the experimental electronic music scene and has won numerous awards for composing for films, including those of famed film director, Hou Hsiao-hsien | Hâu Hàu-hiân 侯孝賢.  

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